6ft. 6in. Fairy Style Rod

A mystery rod in that there are no markings; seemingly in all original condition.

It has as the sensitivity of a Hardy Fairy and casts a nice #4 DT perfectly; a number #3 silk would be even better.

The cane is light with striking deep brown flame notes with very good varnish with red silks with light gold intermediates and perfect ferrule fit from Orvis-type ferrules of many years ago.

NOTE: It came 3 inches short on the tip section ; broken above the male ferrule. I scarfed a new matching piece bringing the length back to original and color matched to the rest of the rod.

Fished a whole day with it and is sound as a dollar.

Casts a wonderful light line.

With bag.

$ 300.00


Pezon et Michel 8ft. 2/1 Prima Competition Bamboo Fly Rod, #2214922


Walton Powell Tournament Bait Casting Bamboo Rod, 5ft. 6in., 2/1