J. Balestrieri/Redwing Fly Rods, New Build 2/2, 7 ft 8in.  #6/7 Line (#7 for the rod’s wet tip)

My Long Taper Parabolic, model "Namekagon" after one of Wisconsin's great northern rivers.

Light rust flaming of the cane coupled with gold wraps and red at the ferrules mimics the iron rich sands common in Northern Wisconsin.

Designed and built for medium to large rivers; rivers with complex currents, rapids and deep pools a la the "Namekagon" Why? Because the little #4/5 rods just can't work the flies and cope with rough conditions of these rivers.

Wade deep and throw a long line and stretch out!

With bag and tube.

Cost: $990.00


J. Balestrieri/Redwing 8ft. 11in. 2/2, 5 Side, Penta, #8/9 Line (9 Silk)


J. Balestrieri, Redwing, 7ft. 6in. #4 Line, 4 Piece, Premium Glass Model, "Spring"